Blue Dolphin Resort



Ende nuk kemi asnjë ofertë për këtë hotel
Na vizitoni më vonë Shiko hotelet tjera në Halkidiki

Përshkrimi i hotelit

Located between two peninsulas, Sithonia and Cassandra, and covering an area of 24 acres where pine and olive trees meet the emerald waters of Toroneus Gulf, Blue Dolphin Resort Hotel in Metamorfosi Halkidiki is the ideal destination for a lifetime holiday experience! Enjoy the warm Mediterranean weather and rest in one of our fully-refurbished rooms and suits suitable for all seasons stay and all types of travelers, featuring a wide range of top-notch facilities and amenities, just a few steps from an amazing beachfront setting. Relish a quiet moment of stress- relief, relaxation and well-being at our Spa Center, and leave your skin refreshed, revitalized and feeling like silk. Allow all your senses to dive into unique Greek flavors and Mediterranean aromas at our wonderful restaurants, overlooking the sea and the pool. Feel connected, stay active and have fun with sports activities, water sports, horse riding, Greek adventures and sailing trips.

Blue Dolphin Resort Hotel welcomes you to make beautiful memories and treat yourselves with unique moments of unwinding in luxury and comfort!  




122€/person - HB (fjetja me mengjes dhe darke) (vetem hoteli)

105€/person - BB (fjetja me mengjes) (vetem hoteli)


Ne cmim nuk eshte e perfshire taksa ambientale 7€ per dhome.





Wi Fi
Beach Bar
Pool Bar
Fitness Center
Spa Center
Kids’ Club
Basketball area
Sunbeds & Umbrellas (free


Për më shumë informacione për udhëtime me autobus ose me aeroplan, apo edhe shërbime tjera turistike, ju lutemi na kontaktoni në numrat tonë kujdestar

CALL CENTER: 08:00 - 22:00h