Saranda International



Ende nuk kemi asnjë ofertë për këtë hotel
Na vizitoni më vonë Shiko hotelet tjera në Sarande

Përshkrimi i hotelit

Hotel Saranda International has air-conditioned rooms with free Wi-Fi, LCD cable TV and a balcony. Town centre is within 1.5 km. The brightly decorated rooms of the Saranda International all have a fridge. Most units offer direct sea views, while others have side sea view. Free parking is provided on site. A children's playground is available at the property, and some water sports facilities can also be used. Deck chairs and umbrellas on the beach are free of charge.

Cmimorja per vitin 2024


Single Room - 90€
Double/Twin Room - 90€
Triple Room- 105€
Apartment 1+1 (2 adl+child to 18 yrs)- 160€
Apartment 2+1 (4 adl) - 195€
Deluxe Superior double sea view - 130€
Deluxe Superior double No sea view - 110€
Deluxe Superior triple sea view - 180€


Single Room - 105€
Double/Twin Room - 110€
Triple Room- 130€
Apartment 1+1 (2 adl+child to 18 yrs)- 190€
Apartment 2+1 (4 adl) - 225€
Deluxe Superior double sea view - 190€
Deluxe Superior double No sea view - 140€
Deluxe Superior triple sea view - 225€


Single Room - 120€
Double/Twin Room - 140€
Triple Room- 155€
Apartment 1+1 (2 adl+child to 18 yrs)- 215€
Apartment 2+1 (4 adl) - 250€
Deluxe Superior double sea view - 225€
Deluxe Superior double No sea view - 190€
Deluxe Superior triple sea view - 245€

Ne cmim perfshihet:

Cadrat ne plazh

Info shtese:

Breakfast type: Buffet Continental

Politikat e femijeve:

0-3 vjeç free
3-8 vjeç 50% 
8-16 vjeç 75% 
Kjo politike vlen vetem per extra beds!


Private Beach area
Beach front


Për më shumë informacione për udhëtime me autobus ose me aeroplan, apo edhe shërbime tjera turistike, ju lutemi na kontaktoni në numrat tonë kujdestar

CALL CENTER: 08:00 - 22:00h