I pozicionuar vetëm 500 metra larg Plazhit të Vlorës, Chic Boutique Hotel Vlore ofron akomodim të nivelit të lartë me restorant, parkim privat falas dhe një bar. Hoteli ynë, me 4 yje, ofron gjithashtu shërbim në dhomë dhe një recepsion të hapur 24 orë. Mysafirët mund të përfitojnë nga sauna ose të shijojnë pamjet piktoreske të qytetit. Hoteli përbëhet nga 19 dhoma moderne, ku të gjitha janë të pajisura me ajër të kondicionuar, TV me ekran të sheshtë, frigorifer, çajnik, si dhe tualete falas. Çdo dhomë disponon një banjë private me tharëse flokësh, ndërsa disa prej tyre kanë ballkon, dhe disa të tjera ofrojnë pamje mahnitëse të detit. Dhomat janë gjithashtu të pajisura me çarçafë dhe peshqirë për komoditet maksimal.
Chic Boutique Hotel ofron një gamë të gjerë shërbimesh dhe akomodimesh të cilësisë së lartë, të projektuara për të plotësuar në mënyrë të shkëlqyer pritshmëritë dhe nevojat e klientëve.
CMIMORJA 2024-2025
Junior Room (1 double bed) - 60 euro
Premium Triple Room with balcony ( 1 double bed + 1 sofa bed) - 80 euro
Deluxe Double room with balcony (double bed) - 60 euro
Chic Suite (1 double bed) - 105 euro
Premium Deluxe room with sea view (1 double bed) - 65 euro
Premium Triple room with sea view (1 double bed + 1 sofa bed) - 80 euro
Deluxe Triple room with balcony (1 double bed + 1 sofa bed) - 65 euro
Deluxe Double room with balcony and sea view (1 double bed) - 70 euro
Deluxe suite with sea view (1 double bed) - 115 euro
Family room with balcony ( 1 double bed + 2 sofa beds) - 95 euro
Two bedroom suite (2 double beds) - 120 euro
Triple room with balcony and sea view (1 double bed + 1 single bed) - 100 euro
Junior Room (1 double bed) - 65 euro
Premium Triple Room with balcony ( 1 double bed + 1 sofa bed) - 80 euro
Deluxe Double room with balcony (double bed) - 65 euro
Chic Suite (1 double bed) - 105 euro
Premium Deluxe room with sea view (1 double bed) - 70 euro
Premium Triple room with sea view (1 double bed + 1 sofa bed) - 85 euro
Deluxe Triple room with balcony (1 double bed + 1 sofa bed) - 60 euro
Deluxe Double room with balcony and sea view (1 double bed) - 70 euro
Deluxe suite with sea view (1 double bed) - 115 euro
Family room with balcony ( 1 double bed + 2 sofa beds) - 95 euro
Two bedroom suite (2 double beds) - 120 euro
Triple room with balcony and sea view (1 double bed + 1 single bed) - 100 euro
Junior Room (1 double bed) - 60 euro
Premium Triple Room with balcony ( 1 double bed + 1 sofa bed) - 90 euro
Deluxe Double room with balcony (double bed) - 60 euro
Chic Suite (1 double bed) - 105 euro
Premium Deluxe room with sea view (1 double bed) - 65 euro
Premium Triple room with sea view (1 double bed + 1 sofa bed) - 95 euro
Deluxe Triple room with balcony (1 double bed + 1 sofa bed) - 65 euro
Deluxe Double room with balcony and sea view (1 double bed) - 80 euro
Deluxe suite with sea view (1 double bed) - 115 euro
Family room with balcony ( 1 double bed + 2 sofa beds) - 95 euro
Two bedroom suite (2 double beds) - 125 euro
Triple room with balcony and sea view (1 double bed + 1 single bed) - 100 euro
Junior Room (1 double bed) - 65 euro
Premium Triple Room with balcony ( 1 double bed + 1 sofa bed) - 90 euro
Deluxe Double room with balcony (double bed) - 60 euro
Chic Suite (1 double bed) - 105 euro
Premium Deluxe room with sea view (1 double bed) - 75 euro
Premium Triple room with sea view (1 double bed + 1 sofa bed) - 95 euro
Deluxe Triple room with balcony (1 double bed + 1 sofa bed) - 70 euro
Deluxe Double room with balcony and sea view (1 double bed) - 80 euro
Deluxe suite with sea view (1 double bed) - 115 euro
Family room with balcony ( 1 double bed + 2 sofa beds) - 95 euro
Two bedroom suite (2 double beds) - 125 euro
Triple room with balcony and sea view (1 double bed + 1 single bed) - 100 euro
Junior Room (1 double bed) - 70 euro
Premium Triple Room with balcony ( 1 double bed + 1 sofa bed) - 100 euro
Deluxe Double room with balcony (double bed) - 75 euro
Chic Suite (1 double bed) - 115 euro
Premium Deluxe room with sea view (1 double bed) - 90 euro
Premium Triple room with sea view (1 double bed + 1 sofa bed) - 110 euro
Deluxe Triple room with balcony (1 double bed + 1 sofa bed) - 80 euro
Deluxe Double room with balcony and sea view (1 double bed) - 95 euro
Deluxe suite with sea view (1 double bed) - 125 euro
Family room with balcony ( 1 double bed + 2 sofa beds) - 110 euro
Two bedroom suite (2 double beds) - 125 euro
Triple room with balcony and sea view (1 double bed + 1 single bed) - 115 euro
Junior Room (1 double bed) - 85 euro
Premium Triple Room with balcony ( 1 double bed + 1 sofa bed) - 110 euro
Deluxe Double room with balcony (double bed) - 90 euro
Chic Suite (1 double bed) - 120 euro
Premium Deluxe room with sea view (1 double bed) - 95 euro
Premium Triple room with sea view (1 double bed + 1 sofa bed) - 110 euro
Deluxe Triple room with balcony (1 double bed + 1 sofa bed) - 90 euro
Deluxe Double room with balcony and sea view (1 double bed) - 110 euro
Deluxe suite with sea view (1 double bed) - 125 euro
Family room with balcony ( 1 double bed + 2 sofa beds) - 110 euro
Two bedroom suite (2 double beds) - 145 euro
Triple room with balcony and sea view (1 double bed + 1 single bed) - 115 euro
Junior Room (1 double bed) - 95 euro
Premium Triple Room with balcony ( 1 double bed + 1 sofa bed) - 110 euro
Deluxe Double room with balcony (double bed) - 90 euro
Chic Suite (1 double bed) - 135 euro
Premium Deluxe room with sea view (1 double bed) - 105 euro
Premium Triple room with sea view (1 double bed + 1 sofa bed) - 115 euro
Deluxe Triple room with balcony (1 double bed + 1 sofa bed) - 90 euro
Deluxe Double room with balcony and sea view (1 double bed) - 110 euro
Deluxe suite with sea view (1 double bed) - 135 euro
Family room with balcony ( 1 double bed + 2 sofa beds) - 115 euro
Two bedroom suite (2 double beds) - 140 euro
Triple room with balcony and sea view (1 double bed + 1 single bed) - 120 euro
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Opsionet e Menusë për Shërbimin Half Board/Full Board per vakt:
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