Hotel Iliria Internaciona



Ende nuk kemi asnjë ofertë për këtë hotel
Na vizitoni më vonë Shiko hotelet tjera në Durres

Përshkrimi i hotelit

Located 7 km from the centre of Durrës Iliria Internacional Hotel features a private sandy beach with sun loungers and parasols. The on-site restaurants serve Italian specialties and international cuisine. Free Wi-Fi and parking are provided. All rooms at the Iliria Internacional feature air-conditioning, satellite TV and a minibar. Most of them feature a balcony and sea view. Breakfast is served each day at the hotel restaurant. The restaurant has a terrace that overlooks the sea and the private beach. A children’s play area is available at the beach. Guests can enjoy walks along the Durresi shore promenade that starts in front of the hotel. A night club is located just a short walk from the property.

Cmimorja per vitin 2024


Double Standard - 110€
Twin Standard - 110€
Double Single use - 95€
Triple Standard - 130€
Family Standard - 145€
Luxury Double- 135€

Tetor 2024-Prill 2025

Double Standard/Per person - 32€
Double Standard Sea View / Per person - 35€
Deluxe Room / Per person - 45€
Triple Room / Per person - 32€
Family Room / Per Room - 105€

01 Maj 2025-14 Qershor 2025
16 Shtator 2025-30 Shtator 2025

Double Standard/Per person - 40€
Double Standard Sea View / Per person - 42€
Deluxe Room / Per person - 55€
Triple Room / Per person - 35€
Family Room / Per Room - 135€

15 Qershor 2025-30 Qershor 2025
01 Shtator 2025-16 Shtator 2025

Double Standard/Per person - 50€
Double Standard Sea View / Per person - 52€
Deluxe Room / Per person - 57€
Triple Room / Per person - 47€
Family Room / Per Room - 150€

Korrik 2025-Gusht 2025

Double Standard/Per person - 58€
Double Standard Sea View / Per person - 63€
Deluxe Room / Per person - 68€
Triple Room / Per person - 53€
Family Room / Per Room - 160€

HB: +20Euro/p
FB: +40/p

Ne cmim perfshihet:


Politika per krevat shtese: 15 Euro cmim ekstra per cdo krevat

Politika e femijeve:

0-3 years free
3-11 years -50%



Beach front
Private beach are


Për më shumë informacione për udhëtime me autobus ose me aeroplan, apo edhe shërbime tjera turistike, ju lutemi na kontaktoni në numrat tonë kujdestar

CALL CENTER: 08:00 - 22:00h