New York



Ende nuk kemi asnjë ofertë për këtë hotel
Na vizitoni më vonë Shiko hotelet tjera në Vlore

Përshkrimi i hotelit

Situated at a private pebble beach on the Adriatic Sea, this hotel is 5 km away from the centre of Vlore. It features an outdoor pool, a garden with terrace and a hot tub. All rooms at the Hotel New York come with a balcony with views of the sea or the Shushica Mountain. They have LCD satellite TV, a minibar and air conditioning. Free Wi-Fi is available throughout the property. Guests can start their day with a breakfast buffet every morning and there is a restaurant and a bar on site.


15.06.2024 - 30.09.2024
Sherbimi BB

Standard Twin/Double - 85
Standard Single - 75€
Standard Triple - 110€
Superior Twin/Double - 120€
Superior Single - 100€
Superior Triple - 150€
Deluxe Room - 150€
Family Suit (4 persona) - 180€

15.06.2024 - 30.09.2024
Sherbimi HB

Standard Twin/Double - 120
Standard Single - 90€
Standard Triple - 160€
Superior Twin/Double - 150€
Superior Single - 115€
Superior Triple - 195€
Deluxe Room - 180€
Family Suit (4 persona) - 240€

15.06.2024 - 30.09.2024
Sherbimi FB

Standard Twin/Double - 150
Standard Single - 115€
Standard Triple - 185€
Superior Twin/Double - 180€
Superior Single - 130€
Superior Triple - 240€
Deluxe Room - 210€
Family Suit (4 persona) - 300€

Ne cmim perfshihet:


Politikat e femijeve:

Femijet 0-4 vjec jane falas
5-10 vjec 50% 
11 vjec e lart konsiderohet i rritur



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CALL CENTER: 08:00 - 22:00h