Pushimet në KSAMIL | 4 ditë €99


Pushimet në KSAMIL ☀️ 4 ditë €99 (BB), vetëm me SHARR TRAVEL
➡ 4 Ditë €99, Nisja më 05 Qershor - Kthimi më 09 Qershor

⋙ Fjetje me mëngjes: 99€ (BB)
⋙ Mëngjes & Darkë: 139€ (HB)

Nisjet e radhës:
▶️ 05.06.2024 - E Merkure, Ora: 23:00
▶️ 12.06.2024 - E Merkure , Ora: 23:00

Oferta përfshinë

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2 ditë 1 natë për person


Nisja nga Prishtina bëhet në ora 23:00, kthimi nga Ksamil në ora 15:00 

Day 1. Prishtina

Aster breakfast meet the group in the lobby and depar ture for a sightseeing tour of
Prishtina. Kosova National Library represent a modern architectural design.
Mother Teresa statue born Gonxhe Bojaxhiu ( Albanian born humanist and Nobel
Peace Prize 1979 ). George Kastrioti Skanderbeg statue (15th century Albanian
lord who defended country against the Ottoman Empire for more than two
decades). Open Air Archeological Park artifacts from Neolithic period, Kosova
Museum built by Austrians for the Turkish army in 1898, has an extensive collec
tion of archaeological and ethnological artifacts, including the Neolithic Goddess
on a Throne (4000 BC) terracotta, Çarshi Mosque a Pristina oldest building
constructed on 15th century by Turkish Sultan Bajazit. Academy Building a 19th
century Ottoman konak style private houses, Clock Tower 26 metre high built by
Jashar Pasha on 1764, Fatih Mosque or Imperial Mosque was built on 1461 under
the Turkish Sultan Mehmed II Fatih, The Great Hammam bath complex built in
1470 and is graced with 15 domes with small holles to let light stream in.
Ethnographic Museum Emin Gjiku complex is a extremely well preserved building
from 18th Century and it’s a the only original building let in old bazaar area. The
exhibition is built round four main themes that represent the circle of life: birth, life,
death and intangible heritage. You can witness some folk art, the way of living,
marriage, folk dressing, and death rituals and so on. Overnight.

Day 2. Outskirt of Prishtina

Gadime Brezovica Breakfast and departure. On 5 km from Pristina its located
Sultan Murat Mausoleum built by Sulltan Pajazit, place where Turkish Sultan
Murat was killed during Kosova Battle of 1389 where Christian Coalition forces of
the Balkan Nation’s fight against Ottoman army, The Monument to the Kosova
Heroes ( in memory of 1389 battle ). A few kilometers from Pristina is a Gracanica
Monastery orthodox religion object completed on 1321. Trip continues to Ulpiana
ancient city build-up in the 2nd century at the time of Trojan King rule (the most
beautiful city of Illyrian Dardania ). Items found such a coins, ceramic dishes,
weapons, jewelry has been displayed at Kosova Museum. Trip continues to ruins
of Novobërda (Novus Mons) XIV-XV century, a medieval fortress and metropolis at
that time. Novo Brdo silver is known by its argentum glame (an alloy of silver with
1/6-1/3 gold). Marble Cave in Gadime 25 km from Prishtina and contains natural
treasures which are made from Stalactite and Stalagmites with particular
Chrystal’s and layers of multicoloured marble Excursion towards Brezovica Ski
center Sharr national park and the most challenging ski resort for alp’s discipline
also for a hiking, rock climbing and other leisures. Trip continues

Day 3. Prizren Gjakova

Breakfast. Departure for Prizren (5km). Visit Stone Bridge symbol of ottoman

Prizren, build in 1534 by Ali Bag. Gazi Mehmet Pasha Hammam Turkish bath build
in 1534 XVI century and presents an architec tonic and cultural work, Sinan Pasha
Mosque Prizren most prominent mosque, build on 1615, Albanian League of
Prizren Museum the most historical sites and is a place where Albanian patriots
gathered on 10 june 1878 to start the political, military and cultural struggle
against the Ottoman Empire. Prizren Fortress ancient fortress which has been a
place for defence an refuge since prehistoric times. Visit of Cathedral of Our Lady
of Perpetual Succour Chatolic church from 1870 with three naves and marble-clad
colums hold a frescoes above the door depict the medieval Christian Albanian
hero Skenderbeg. Temple of Our Holy of Ljevish dates back to the 9th 11th century
as a Byzantine church (unique architectural design and UNESCO World Heritage
protected). Prizren is famous also for Filigran ancient crast that uses fine, mostly
silver and gold thread to produce astonishingly intricate and beautiful, lace-like
works of art.Oldpart of Prizren it’s surrounded by so many shops selling Filigran
product, originally made in town. Trip continues to Gjakova city (35km). During a
drive visit of Tailors’ Bridge 18th century a grand stone bridge of eleven archessaid
to have been built three hundred years ago by the tailors of Djakova and Prizren as
a very important link to very strategic trade road knows as a Via Egnatia ( road
constructed by Romans in the 2nd century BC.It crossed the Illyricum, Macedo nia
and Greece and European Turkey. Visit continues followed by visiting a Traditional

old shopping center in downtown of Gjakova as a old kosovan traditional architec-
ture, Hadum Mosque famous mosque dating from 16th century, Bektashi Tekke

most mystical Bektashi order, visit old traditional Feudal house and Gjakova
regional Museum collection of traditional crasts and clothes. Overnight.


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